How To Keep the Courant Number Below 1
How To Keep the Courant Number Below 1? Created On February 10, 2020 by Theresa The intention of this article is to define what a Courant number is and to give a best practice of how to set your mesh and time step in case you have problems with the Courant number. If you want to have more details you should read this article . Definition The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy or CFL condition expresses that the distance that any information travels during the time step length within the mesh must be lower than the distance between mesh elements. In other words, information from a given cell or mesh element must propagate only to its immediate neighbors. The derivation of the CFL condition leads to the formula for Courant number and is given by: C = u Δ t Δ x C = u Δ t Δ x where C is Co...