Best Free CFD Tutorial: FreeCAD Openfoam CFD Workbench

I find watching this video boring but the links are userful and the linked tutorial very helpful. Better than reading the instructiions in the FreeCAD Addon installation comments for CFDof.

The tutorial that is useful in doing CFD for car is the one below: 

Install CfdOF from Tools | Addon manager
Go to Edit | Preferences | CFD to check and
install dependencies


Of special note:

I install the older version of Paraview as shown in the FreeCAD preferences.

I downloaded cfmesh and HiSA from sourceforge. No need to look for binaries. It appears as though the master file  zipped file can be installed by FreeCAD.

 cfMesh downloaded to C:\Users\othma\AppData\Local\Temp\
Installing cfMesh...
Install completed
Downloading HiSA, please wait...
HiSA downloaded to C:\Users\othma\AppData\Local\Temp\
Installing HiSA...
Install completed
Checking dependencies...
cfMesh (CfdOF version) not found
HiSA not found
gmsh could not be run from OpenFOAM environment

 I tried downloading from the links shown in the Preferences fo CDFoF but removing the download at the end of the link. It worked. I actually downloaded manually by searching through google, but I noticed that the links are similar to that in the preferences. Just by editing the link by removing download, you can install cfmesh and HiSA from the preferences.

Installing cfMesh...
Install completed
Downloading HiSA, please wait...
HiSA downloaded to C:\Users\othma\AppData\Local\Temp\
Installing HiSA...
Install completed
Checking dependencies...
gmsh could not be run from OpenFOAM environment
