The CAN Bus Protocol Tutorial,up%20to%20125%20kbit%2Fs. The CAN Bus Protocol Tutorial The CAN Bus Protocol Tutorial gives an overview of the ISO 11898-1 and ISO 11898-2 controller area network standards. This tutorial provides a great introduction to the fundamentals of CAN (controller area network) as it is used in automotive design, industrial automation controls, and many more applications. Table of Contents Introduction: The CAN Bus CAN Messages CAN Physical Layer CAN Oscilloscope Pictures CAN Connectors CAN Bit Timing CAN Error Handling Higher Layer Protocols Introduction: The CAN Bus What is CAN? CAN is short for ‘controller area network’. Controller area network is an electronic communication bus defined by the ISO 11898 standards. Those standards define how communication happens, how wiring is configured and how messages are constructed, among other things. Collectively, this system is referred to as a CAN bus. What We'...