Model 3 Motor Teardown

The inverter is wrongly labelled. It is actually a speed controller, ESC. The terms used in the RC hobby is simpler and more precise.

3-pole motor but I do not see any wire for hall-effect position sensors. Hall effect makes the job of the controller easier but makes it more fragile.

Sensorless is the only option for the RC world. Also 3-pole. More poles are possible and they become stepper motors.

The rotor is inside so is called an inrunner.

In RC world, inrunner is used in cars but aeroplanes use outrunners. Why? Outrunners have more magnets so can have more torgue for less current or turns. But outrunners are not practical if mounted on the body of the car.

Hub-wheel motors can be outrunners and all should be outrunners.


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