Transparent Velomobile Dimensions

To match the more sporty Velomobile, the frontal area need to be 0.4 SQ. m. The dimensions need to be smaller than 1/2.

The width is 0.7m, with wheel well width of only 0.1m. This allows 0.5 m space for feet and rear cargo. Its frontal area of 0.395 is comparable to the more sporty Velomobile at a price for cargo space.

Wheel base 1.4 m, length 2.25 m.

Because the Transparent Velomobile is transparent, we can lower it's height but it's length has to be smaller than 2.25 m, in order to maintain its side view shape compared the other Transparent Car classes, which may result in a different coefficient of drag.

For the most efficient, it's height can be reduced to 0.4 m, it's width, 0.5 m.

The 1/2 Transparent SUV need to be 0.85 m, 0.15 m wheel well. Wheelbase 1.4 m.

A more practical version uses 0.6 x 0.5 - (0.2x0.1)= 0.28 sq. m.


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